The wordplay in each clue renders an extra letter. These letters in clue order say how to find the ‘round up’ being celebrated and what should be produced in five entries by changing some of their letters (one new entry doing double duty). The final grid contains real words. The Chambers 13th edition is the primary reference.
1 The Waltz King has no right to entertain time standing (6)
5 Ordinary fellows (two of them) relieve wound around old horse’s front leg (7)
11 I move in a slightly eccentric circle that is absorbed by a bunch of letters (5)
13 Cwm Rhondda’s opening fills man with passion (6)
14 A carcinogen halved warts and all skin disease (9)
15 Unconventional guys' hopes now and then followed by glory ultimately (5)
16 What rodent might fear in water rippling around grass from the East (8, 2 words)
17 General situation on new chaps coming over, feeling estranged (7)
20 Latest ugly truck (5)
21 After a fashion show, train lacking width is recycled (7, 3 words)
23 Calls for kisses with girlfriend not cross (5)
27 Noise from Jersey City getting quiet - typical of old people? (7)
28 Mood abnormality underlying noxious impulsive activity principally (5)
32 Quaver held by soprano's missing richness at first (7)
33 What managers do to one detected in idleness while playing (8)
34 Ruler, heading from extreme north, tracks a little lower to Fort William (5)
35 Grasping dynasty behind crime involving revolutionary painting (9)
36 One’s crazy about French sticks (6)
37 Only ten cheese sandwiches flipping radical (5)
38 Pink fruit having peel removed, after shelling eggs (7)
39 Cinnamon provides treatment of ascaris (6)
1 Kyoto menial with karate kit was up for gap left by carpenter (7, 2 words)
2 Top-notch agent first to behold cocked weapon (9, 2 words)
3 Rest and a short sleep brewing? One has nap after work (8)
4 Flowing tears, etc? (7)
6 Old ref: "It smashed the upper part of the foil!" (5)
7 Quick dance parts; quick chance parts (7)
8 Florida's gross, honest! (5)
9 Kir Royale finally demolished: that is a sort of therapy! (5)
10 Take out England's opener by bowling Cotes (6)
12 Man of art went to get a little light (6)
18 Unfashionably dressed but having good prospects when king becomes God (5)
19 Two bad ones, surprisingly they are the opposite of arses (9)
22 Old American eyes pigmeat covered in pickles (8)
23 Section cut out from oil silk fitted inside soft, new cushion (7)
24 Pacific island captured by mad cretin following the end of Empire (7)
25 Business involving palms, donkey? Could be holy ride when penny drops (6)
26 Clobber messy ape eating nuts under leafy ash, primarily (7)
27 Partly dismiss fallacious religious book (6)
29 Yes, it takes a bit of bottle, prepared to do nothing when something bad's happening (5, 2 words)
30 Butterfly warm over centre of Sahara (5)
31 Judge pub - it gives spirit to Muslim (5)
To enter this competition, send your
entry as an image or in list format giving the final entries to before 8th April 2025. The
first correct entry drawn from the hat will receive a book from the Chambers
range, which has been donated by Chambers.
You may vote for your favourite clue
with your entry. You can just nominate one clue, which will be awarded 3
points, or your top three which will be awarded 3, 2 and 1 points. The person
whose clue accumulates the most points will receive a prize, which also has
been donated by the Crossword Centre.
Clues by…
…Anax, Avtaar, Josie Barnes, Steve Bartlett, David Beamish, Rod
Beards, Brian Betker, Terrence Brennan, Kieran Callaghan, Geri Cashell,
Chalicea, Andy Grady, Simon Griew, Derek Harrison, Hawk, Helen Heath,
Hedge-sparrow, John Hood, Jugular, Karla, Kevin McDermid, Toby McLeay,
Rob Moline, Alf Mullins, Jonathan Owen, Bhalchandra Pasupathy, Jeff
Pearce, Phylax, Ed Powles, Paul Pridmore, John Reardon, Simon Shaw, Ian
Simpson, Peter Smith, William Snow, Colin Thomas, Andrew Varney, Adam
Vellender, John Walsh, Luciano Ward, David Whyte and Dave Williams.
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