Monday 8 July 2024


SAGE DERBY by Vagans


Y Y 4 M E 

Letters on the leading diagonal spell the schoolroom rebus YYURYYUBICUR and YY4ME is to be written beneath the grid to complete it. The rebus decodes to “Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me”. CLEOBULUS and PERIANDER were two of the Greek Seven Sages (as listed under that heading in Chambers), and the extra letters generated by the across clues spell out WISE MEN FROM THE EAST, geographically true from a UK point of view. The extra words in across clues were all cheeses (BLUE, SWISS, COMTE, KILLARNEY AND CREAM but not GOUDA) and those in down clues were the remining five Sages (PITTACUS, BIAS, SOLON, CHILON and THALES).

Across: 1 W: TOYS* [W]T   {BLUE}, 5 I: GAL I TOP[I]<   {SWISS}, 10 S: (DESERT BOY[S])*, 11 E: B[E]IRUT*, 12 M: MIT R[E]AL(m) , 14 E: REIGN IT E[E], 15 N: I[N]NLY(nchmob)   {COMTE}, 16 F: [F]F AIR   {KILLARNEY}, 17 R: ST[R]EEL YARD, 20 O: (G[O]UDA UNDER)*, 23 M: ([M]A BUT)<, 24 T: SEK[T]< H, 26 H: (T[H]E BLUEST)*   {CREAM}, 28 E: SOIL>OILS round ER[E], 29 E: IN CAR[E], 30 A: O L[A]IT in PIQUE, 31 S: ESSEN [S]EC<, 32 T: STAR[T] R.


Down: 1 BOY< BISH, 2 TYR AN(onymous), 3 S RIT<, 4 TRY in TEL, 5  (DRY EGG SUET)*  {PITTACUS}, 6 I in LEGER, 7 CORIANDER - CO + PE   {wordplay only}, 8 (EMIT A NO)<, 9 TALER*   {BIAS}, 12 AUDEN with N raised in MIR IE, 13 (LOB US CLUE)*  {Wordplay only}, 18 AIL< in THUS, 19 AD HER ER, 21  N(e)A(r)T(o) (t)RON(a)  {SOLON}, 22 AB SITS, 23 B in TONE   {CHILON}, 25 Double definition, 27 I TIN<    {THALES}.

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