Saturday 8 June 2024

Solution to Singing by Chalicea

 Singing by Chalicea - Solution

According to Fitzgerald in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam the poet only needed 'a loaf of bread', 'a flask of wine', 'a book of verse' and 'thou' beside me singing in the wilderness to turn the 'wilderness' to 'paradise enow'.

Across: 1 A book of verse, 10 Transe, 13 Laics, 14 Rusma, 15 A loaf of bread, 17 Sess, 18 Rebore, 19 Feats, 21 Outs, 23 Hijrahs, 25 Flow, 26 Gene, 27 Eyas, 29 Wilderness, 31 Slurbs, 33 Queyn, 35 Nablas, 36 Inroad, 37 Emails, 38 TV game, 39 Paradise enow. 
Down: 1 A flask of wine, 2 Otiose, 3 Orcas, 4 Onions, 5 Verb, 6 Exurbs, 7 Roseola, 8 Evaders, 9 Baleful, 11 Sifrei, 12 Omar Khayyam, 16 Fitzgerald, 20 Ajee, 22 Toll bar, 23 Herbs, 24 Resurge, 28 Sundew, 30 Dulia, 31 Sama, 32 Sits, 34 Eoan. 

Across: 10 TRANS + E, 13 LA + IC + (insi)S(ting), 14 Hidden, 17 SESS(ion), 18 RE + BORE, 19 F EATS, 21 (r)O(b)U(s)T(e)S(t), 23 HAHS around I JR, 25 WOLF<, 26 hidden, 27 E + SAY<, 31 SLURS around B, 33 QUEEN with Y for E, 35 BANAL* + S, 36 {NO RAID}*, 37 ME, + AILS, 38 {STREAMING VIDEO}* less IRONSIDE*. 
Down: 2 (f)O(r)T(u)I(t)O(u)S (ev)E(nt), 3 SACRO(sanctity)<, 4 ON I(r)ONS, 5 Hidden, 6 EX UR B(oundarie)S, 7 {ALOES (y)O(u)R(E)} all reversed, 8 ADVERSE*, 9 B + ALE + FUL(l), 11 SERIF* + I, 20 "A GEE" heard, 22 TOLL + initial lettersB A R, 23 HER + B(os)S, 24 Hidden, 28 "SUN DUE" hesrd, 30 DUL(y) I A, 31 SAM+A(ccepts), 32 SS around IT, 34 E O AN

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