Tuesday 30 April 2024

Crossword Centre Prize Puzzle May 2024

 Singing by Chalicea

According to 16, 12 needed only 1ac, 1d, 15 and his love SINGING to turn the 29 to 39 (all unclued). Letters in circles, read in order, spell what was probably in 1ac.

    10    Through passage for Scots across Spain? (6)
    13    Secular men, the French in charge and insisting essentially (5)
    14    Some papyrus makes a depilatory (5)
    17    Short sitting of court produces antiquated tax (4)
    18    Engineers activity that wearies; process of adjusting worn-out engine (6)
    19    Notable exploits following upsets (5)
    21    Election losers are not oddly robustest (4)
    23    Exclamations of dismay involving one junior's exoduses (7)
    25    Scotland's marsh wolf making a comeback (4)
    26    Strangeness involves bit of hereditary material (4)
    27    Unfledged hawk, last of eyrie, say, returning (4)
    31    Slighting remarks about second-class squalid neighbourhoods in city outskirts (6)
    33    Royal lady with yen for ecstasy is a Scots lassie (5)
    35    Unusually banal system originally for mathematical symbols (6)
    36    A raid collapsed. No raid! (6)
    37    Messages set me back with troubles (6)
    38    For entertainment on the box mistakenly streaming video (Ironside sadly rejected) (6, 2 words)
    2    Intermittently fortuitous event at heart producing no effect (6)
    3    Overturned sacrosanctity, disregarding godliness, reveals monsters (5)
    4    Leg irons not right! They make people cry (6)
    5    Partly hover briefly, swoop and strike, for example (4)
    6    Residential areas outside ancient city extremes of boundaries (6)
    7    Raising aloes? You're now and then rash! (7)
    8    Obstreperously adverse shirkers (7)
    9    Noxious British beer not completely drunk (7)
    11    Intricate serif in Hebrew religious texts (6)
    20    A letter we're told is off the straight in Holyrood (4)
    22    Number of casualties initially brought about resisting roadblock (7, 2 words)
    23    Heartless boss chasing the one indoors for aromatic plants (5)
    24    Section of core surgery to come up again (7)
    28    Light and warmth expected, we hear for bog plant (6)
    30    At the proper time, mostly, I advanced reverence accorded to saints (5)
    31    US uncle principally accepts honorific title (4)
    32    Is examined in computer technology on board ship (4)
    34    Ecstasy over article relating to dawn (4)

To enter this competition, send your entry as an image or in list format to ccpuzzles@talktalk.net before 8th June 2024. The first correct entry drawn from the hat will receive a book from the Chambers range, which has been donated by Chambers

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