
Friday, 9 December 2022

Solution to Big Bang Theory by Poat

 Big Bang Theory by Poat - Solution

 The puzzle commemorates the obliteration of an atoll in the Marshall Islands on 1 November 1952 as part of the US nuclear test programme known as Operation Ivy (spelled out by corrections to misprints). The delivery device was codenamed Mike, highlighted in the central spiral of cells, with letters of the island ELUGELAB eliminated in turn from eight answers. Solvers were also required to highlight the symbols for Fermium and Einsteinium in the grid (FM and ES), elements confirmed through later analysis of the fallout.


  1    hoar-headed. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        HOARD around HEAVE with D (500) for V (5)

10   au mieux. Edited English.tsd - MWCD,Chambers

        EU in AU MIX

11   earlap. Edited English.tsd

        ERA interwoven with ALP

12   Laodicea. Edited English.tsd - Location


13   auto. Core English.tsd

        Alternate letters of vAlUaTiOn; misprint stack for stOck

14   fire-plug. Core English.tsd

        (GULPER IF)<

17   égarement. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        GREENTEAM*, hinting at French word

18   arguli. Edited English.tsd - COD

        ARGU(E) LI(E), Brits being the fish

20   recto. Core English.tsd

        (E)RECTO(R), misprint wage for Page

21   royal. Core English.tsd

        ROY AL, misprint jolly for jElly

23   eothen. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        EON round THE

24   aleatoric. Edited English.tsd - MWCD,Chambers

        ICAREALOT*, ‘cabbage’ being musical notes

27   starlets. Edited English With Inflections.tsd - Chambers

        (LASTRITES minus I)*

28   hear. Core English.tsd

        HERE homophone

29   Taleggio. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        GI in GELATO*

31   ornate. Core English.tsd

        OR NATE(S)

32   Bohemia. Edited English.tsd

        BOA(T) around HEM 1

33   thread mark. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        DARKMATTER* with H for T, misprint anti-fogging for anti-foRging


  1    half-marathon.

        MARA is half of MARATHON

  2    amort. Edited English.tsd

        Hidden in (Fulh)AMORT(hereabouts), misprint sod for sAd

  3    rid. Core English.tsd

        RID(DLE), misprint show for shoT

  4    exclaim. Core English.tsd

        EX CLAIM, misprint charm for chIrm

  5    areg. Edited English.tsd - Chambers


  6    dealer. Core English.tsd

        ALE in DER

  7    drupe. Core English.tsd


  8    patented. Edited English.tsd

        PA TENTED

  9    sport one's oak.

        SOAK after PERSONTO*, misprint Axbridge for Oxbridge

13   ammeter.

        AM MET ER, where I = electric current

15   equator.

        QUA in ROTE<, misprint rigg for riNg

16   drollery. Core English.tsd

        (ER after O LL) in DRY

19   keitloa. Edited English.tsd - Chambers

        LIKEASHOT* minus SH

22   loiter. Core English.tsd

        L O ITER (Latin for journey), misprint longer for lInger

25   avant. Edited English.tsd - MWCD,Chambers

        (S)AVANT, misprint precious for preVious

26   regma. Core English.tsd

        R EGMA

27   save. Core English.tsd

        First letters Soon And Very Early, misprint lad for laY

30   gem. Core English.tsd


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