
Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Crossword News August 2022

 Crossword News August 2022

The July Prize Puzzle was That Moment by Chiffchaff. In That Moment pennies (p in RIPS and d in CARDCASE) drop in two clues so that the dIAGONAL(D), as given by the dropped letters in eight across clues, reads THE PENNY DROPS. PENNYPINCH is changed to PINCHPENNY to complete the grid which contains no other ps or ds.

Here are some of the comments from solvers.

I found the clash between 41a and 34d quite early, and then briefly wondered if all of the clashes would be on this diagonal before realising that the other three clashes had to appear in one entry and, in any case, most of the blank cells remaining on the diagonal were unchecked. It took me quite a bit longer to work out 14d, but once I did the penny dropped.  I liked the thematic way the across clues were altered, and such clues seem to be easier to solve than if some clues need to have a letter added or removed because once you've solved one you know how to alter one of the adjacent clues. Having said that, I originally changed 'Spin' to 'Spine' in 35a, but suspected this was wrong as soon as I read the next clue and couldn't find an E that could be removed and leave a real word.  I liked that resolving all of the clashes the other way would have made real words, and that the final change also made real words. I also liked that all of the Ds and Ps in the grid are involved in penny-drops and contribute to the phrase on the diagonal either before or after the final step.

Many thanks for a very enjoyable puzzle – the letters dropping from clue to clue mechanic was new to me and very satisfying. The endgame eluded me for a while but I think I've dropped the right pennies!

Until I discovered the Crossword Centre a year or so ago, I don't think I had met the term "penny drop moment". It provided a most ingenious and enjoyable theme! Fortunately three of the clashes were in one answer (14 down), so the main effect of the clashes was simply to prevent me from solving that clue until the penny had indeed dropped. And I enjoyed the final change (17 down). Well done, Chiffchaff!

There were 47 entries, of which 16 were marked incorrect. The majority was failing to drop the final PENNY leaving PENNYPINCH in the grid.

The lucky winner, picked from the electronic hat was Rod Beards, who will be receiving a prize of Chambers Crossword Dictionary, which is donated by Chambers.

A solution is available at

You still have time to solve the August puzzle, Side by Side by eXternal.

The September challenge will be Postcard by Hedge-sparrow.
The following notice appears on the front page of this month's Crossword Club magazine (August 2022).

“Future Arrangements

Thank you again all those who offered suggestions and help with the future. I’m pleased to say our appeals have now come up with a distinguished cruciverbalist who has offered to take over much of the Club’s activity. “

Does anyone know who is taking over the Crossword Club? Their website is now defunct and reviving it would be a good start.
Although I did not attempt Sabre’s Stations of the Cross in the June edition of The Magpie, I was amazed at the solution. It seems that no theme, however abstruse, can be used by Sabre!

The message from added/omitted letters reads “Number of Type A and B give letter sums of the two words”. There are 37 Type A clues and 7 Type B. The latter, being fairly restrictive, should lead to Ababa, hence to Addis Ababa. The five unclued entries ST LIDETA, TEGBARED, MEXICO, LEGHAR, STADIUM, are the five stations common to the crossing of the blue and green light rail lines in Addis Ababa. COCACOLA is only on the green line, SARIS only on the blue line.

The Magpie is available at
While John Tozer is recovering in hospital, Robert Teuton is managing the Clue-Writing Competition. He can manage the monthly contests but has not the ability to manage membership. Prospective new members should contact the admin and as soon as he is able, Robert will enrol them.
Chambers has committed to sponsoring the Crossword Centre for another year with a dozen copies of Chambers Crossword Dictionary.
The new series of Only Connect will start on Monday 29 August.
There is a delay in publishing the July Azed slip. Azed had a spell of Covid and a family holiday in France. Hopefully, it will be issued soon.

Best wishes

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