
Monday, 11 April 2022

Endless Shame by Chalicea Solution and Explanations

 Endless Shame by Chalicea Solution and Explanations

Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck both claimed to be Richard, The Duke of York (the younger of the Princes in the Tower). Both were ultimately recognised to be pretenders.


Across: 2 Blueys, 7 Grovet, 12 Naan, 13 Bemoiled, 14 Sumacs, 16 Cadee, 17 Unblamed, 18 Hound, 19 Peize, 20 Smalti, 21 Perkin, 22 Warbeck, 23 Ante, 24 Spend, 26 Sese, 29 Sesotho, 32 Down to, 33 Pioyes, 35 Areca, 36 Aumil, 37 Animally, 38 Bindi, 39 Dorado, 40 Seizable, 41 Ever, 42 Yelper, 43 See red.

Down: 1 Unsurpassably, 3 Lambert, 4 Unalike, 5 Yes-men, 6 Smees, 7 Goodman, 8 Richard, 9 Vedute, 10 Edenic, 11 The Duke of York, 15 Unpen, 24 Stylize, 25 Pheazar, 26 Swearer, 27 Enclave, 28 Stal'd, 30 Épuisé, 31 Simnel, 32 Daidle, 34 Snibs.


Across: 2 BLUE + Y + (receive)S, 7 G + R + (apr)O(pos), 12 NAN around A, 13 B(r)E(a)M + OILED, 14 {SCAM US}<, 16 CAD + E E, 17 UN + B + LAMED, 18 Hidden, 19 (sus)PE + I + Z + E, 20 DISMALTIME - DIME, 23 ETNA<, 24 S + P + END, 26 SE SE, 29 Hidden, 32 DOWNTO(n), 33 P + I + (p)O(l)Y(m)E(r)S, 35 AREA around C, 36 A + U + MIL, 37 {MAIN ALLY}*, 38 BIN + DI, 39 DO + RA(y) + DO, 40 SIZABLE around (wh)(el)E, 41 (s)EVER(e), 42 REPLY< around E, 43 DECREES< less C.

Down: 1 {LABS SAY RUN UPS}*, 4 Hidden, 5 REPAYMENTS* less PART*, 6 SEEMS<, 7 {NO DOGMA}*, 9 V + ETUDE<, 10 EDEN + IC, 15 UN + PEN, 24 STYLE around (pr)IZ(es), 25 "PHEAZE" heard + AR(e), 26 S + WEARER, 27 EVE round CLAN*, 28 ST + (m)A(u)L(e)D, 30 (h)E(l)P(b)U(s)I(e)S(t) + (servic)E, 32 LADDIE*, 34 S BINS<. 

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