
Monday, 12 October 2020

Solution to Minor Variations by Phi

 Minor Variations by Phi - Solution

Unclued answers are (or have the form of) reduplicative compounds such as LOVEY-DOVEY, with only one letter varying between the halves.  By squeezing both letters into one cell in the crossing word (FRAMPO(LD)), the unclued answers can be entered in half the space apparently necessary.


  1. Is there a write up explaining how to solve each clue???......
    You used to do this in the past along with the grid ......
    I have several different answers in my grid for the lower left and am at a loss on the answers there......
    I had PISHPOSH (defined by twaddle) instead of POSTPOSE for example......
    I can't find a definition for POSTPOSE......
    Usually I'm just a letter or two off if any......

  2. postpose="place after..." (so it's from 18a which has extra "put after") -- this was my last thematic.
