
Thursday, 9 July 2020

Solution to That's Life by Flowerman

That's Life by Flowerman - Solution

Extra letters spell MACROMOLECULES followed by A HOMOPHONE OF THIRTY-FIVE and EG AN ENZYME. A homophone of JEANS is GENES, which are composed entirely of the biological macromolecule DNA, a nucleic acid. The other nucleic acid is RNA. Almost all enzymes are PROTEINs.
The CENTRAL DOGMA (of Molecular Biology) is a phrase coined by Francis CRICK. His colleague James WATSON subsequently associated this phrase with a two-step process.
DNA and RNA codons (CODONS obtained from initial letters of normal clues) code for amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. One of 61 different examples* is: AGT (DNA codon) yielding AGU (RNA codon) (by transcription) which induces addition of Serine (SER) (by translation) in the synthesis of a peptide/protein. 
*There are 64 possible DNA codons; however three (STOP codons) do not code for an amino acid. 
The title suggests a biological theme. The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology is fundamental to all life on Earth.

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