
Thursday, 25 June 2020

75th Anniversary of the First Ximenes Crossword

The First Ximenes Crossword.

On 24 June 1945 the first Ximenes crossword was published in the Observer. What was remarkable was the symmetrical "Ximenean" grid. In his notes Ximenes says, "A new series begins today, in which a very small proportion per word of unchecked letters will be used in 'plain' puzzles and a slightly larger proportion in puzzles where some special feature affects composition: at the same time it is intended that the search for a start may be, if anything, easier. With the full checking given hitherto, though the start may happen to be arduous, the finish is apt to be reached with a rush, some clues becoming redundant. Ximenes hopes that the new method will provide a better balance and wishes his solvers good hunting."

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