Thursday, 30 January 2025
February 2025 Defeat by Chalicea
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Crossword News January 2025
Crossword News January 2025
The December Prize Puzzle was Seasons Greetings XV by
Eclogue with a circular grid. The theme was a Christmas carol. “PAST THREE
O’CLOCK” is an English Christmas carol set to the traditional tune “LONDON
WAITS” (both illustrated by the clock hands to be drawn). The words were written by GEORGE RATCLIFFE
WOODWARD (highlighted). The THIRD letter
of each extra word clues in grid order provides “LIGHT OUT OF STAR-LAND,
Here are some of the comments from solvers.
A splendid puzzle. Of course, the grid design, highlighting
“past three o’clock” and hidden composer’s name (which allowed me to correct to
“weEned”) are absolutely stunning. Thanks
for a wonderful year of brain-benders!
to Eclogue on this long running series with a nicely thematic subject and
appropriately shaped grid.
always with an Eclogue puzzle: a satisfying - and on this occasion a not too
difficult! - solve with impeccable clues and an interesting theme nicely
developed. Thanks to Eclogue and the
Crossword Centre.
There were 38 entries, of which 5 were marked incorrect. The
winner, picked from the electronic hat, was Graham O’Neill, of Purley, who will
be receiving a prize of Chambers Crossword Dictionary, which is donated by
There is a full solution at
We also had a Christmas special – checkerboard Challenge by
Arcadia. This proved to be very popular with over 1200 visitors to the puzzle.
This was a real challenge, with 5 grids to fill and a final test of adding the
number values of all the letters in the grids. Unfortunately, the wrong version
was posted (mea culpa) and only corrected 24 hours later.
Here are some of the comments from solvers.
One of the most absorbing and enjoyable puzzles I've seen on
this site. It was expertly paced, with the first four grids feeling like
Everest base camps, before the final push to the Grid E summit. Many thanks to
Arcadia and the Crossword Centre.
A clever series of grids leading to an elegant final
submission. I'd printed off an earlier version so was glad to spot the update
and resolve some queries. Not sure if extremity (noun) is quite aphelian
(adjective) but think that has to be the answer.
This was a bit of an epic challenge - I thoroughly enjoyed!
My thanks to Arcadia for such a clever construction and an unusual route
through the grids to get to the end. Superb stuff.
There were only, not surprisingly, 16 entries and all were
correct. The winner, picked from the electronic hat is Julian Stradling who
will be receiving a bottle of Brut Champagne which has been donated by Arcadia.
There is a full solution here
There is still time to send your entry to our January
puzzle, Twin Beaks by Jugular.
The February Prize Puzzle will be Defeat by Chalicea.
Robert Teuton will be finalising the 2024 statistics and
hopes to publish the results of the Crowther Cup competition next month.
This month marks the 100th anniversary of the first Sunday Times crossword,
which was printed on January 11, 1925, with a statement that the paper had
“fallen victim to the universal craze of Cross-Word puzzles”.
Peter Biddlecombe, crossword editor of the Sunday Times, wrote
an article describing the history of the crossword and included 3 old crosswords
from 1935, 1955 and 1975. The article (possibly behind paywall) is here
Solvers of The Observer's Azed crossword, both regular and occasional, are
invited to a special lunch to celebrate puzzle No. 2,750 at Wolfson College,
Oxford on Saturday 3rd May, followed by afternoon tea at Azed's Oxford
home. For full details please email
Solvers of the Listener Crossword will have noticed that since the beginning of
January the address for entries has changed to Pontefract. I have it on good
authority that the new marker is Neil Aspland, a long-time successful Listener
solver and AZ competitor, who solved with his father and won the Solver Silver
Solver in 2006. Good luck to him in the
There will be a Word- Puzzles Conference at Magdalen College, Oxford, on the 21
March. Speakers include Simon Anthony, Mark Goodliffe, John Finnemore and Alan
Connor. Tickets for this 8 hour event are £25 and include lunch.
I have been looking at the Clue Clinic which has some very sound reviews of
Azed puzzles. The reviewer, Doctor Clue, certainly knows a lot about clue
writing, and is, I guess, an Azed solver. Does anyone know who is behind this
Paul Henderson (Phi) tells us that he has taken over as crossword editor for
The Church Times, following the retirement of Don Manley.
The editors and setters of the New York Times Crossword have been reviewing the
new words that appeared in 2024.
John Henderson’s review of the IQ crosswords of 2024 is interesting reading.
The Azed slip for the Christmas competition is now on the Crossword Centre. The
word to clue was the Playfair key-word, DOUBLE-PARKING. Azed admits that he
used this in a competition 10 years ago, also a Playfair puzzle.
The winner was Dr I. S. Fletcher with this clue.
Result of turning up
with no empty space alongside kerb? (anag. less s, e, & lit.)
I will be going to the Listener Crossword Dinner in Southport in March. We have
booked the hotel for the Friday night as well and look forward to meeting lots
of friends there. Jane Teather has already been there to check out suitable
pubs and she will soon announce her best choice.
Best wishes